How do I verify a Solar Installer?
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Here are some ways to verify a solar installer?
Prepared by : SAPAC Reporter
Article Classification: Information
Image courtesy: SAPAC Professionals and Contractors
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Areas: Southern Africa, Northern Cape, Western Cape, Cape Winelands, Free State, Gauteng, North West Province, Limpopo, Mpumalanga, Natal
Did you know that with SAPAC there are trusted firms, that complies with regards to these requirements. To get in contact complete the form above. Further down in the article is much more information for you.
You can ask if the electrical contractor that is allowed to perform solar installations forms part of SAPAC Professionals and Contractors. If they do not form part of SAPAC you ask them to be checked by SAPAC.
Why would they refuse? It is your commercial right to utilize all tools at your disposal!
SAPAC will assist you Free of Charge.
All SAPAC Electrical Contractors is electrical registered companies that are registered electrical contractors with the Department of Employment and Labor (DOeL). They also employ electrical apprentices or competent and capable electrical workers. And they will have an installation or master installation electrician on the site when the installation is underway.
No SAPAC Professionals and Contractors do not sub contract any contractor regardless of their discipline!
Yes some SAPAC Professionals and Contractors may be able to work on National Key points. Contact SAPAC for further information.
Check accreditation
South African Professionals and Contractors Collective has accredited Electrical Solar Installation companies that are proud to be associated as stakeholders in all provinces. You may ask these companies for a legal certificate of compliance and their associated credentials.
You may also contact SAPAC Professionals and Contractors if you cannot find your "solar installer" on the SAPAC.co.za platform for your safety!
Get in contact with SAPAC: Besoek | Visit https://sapac.co.za/
Epos vir navrae: admin@sapac.co.za
Phone: +27766866273 (Faster)
To verify or to get in contact with an Electrical Installation Solar Specialist.
Check credentials
With SAPAC you don't just get the opportunity to check a contractor. SAPAC also assist you with a plethora of services not mentioned. Contact SAPAC.co.za
Or you may read this here - LINK
Check documentations
The company you are choosing must be registered with the department of labor as an electrical contractor. There is no sweet talking around this. Also note the electrical company may not be subcontracted in to perform the installation on someone else behalf. (NOTE Highly irregular)
Registered Electrical Contractor on site
You must ensure that with your electrical solar installation an installation electrician or master installation electrician is on site. When the installation is being performed. Regardless of what the company is saying: for instance as in many cases, herewith some examples!
"our team knows what they are doing!"
NOTE : A registered Installation Electrician that is registered with the DOeL shall be on site when the installation is performed."
"we work through WhatsApp calling and video, don't worry"
NOTE : No, you cannot work from photos or Video calling to write out a CoC. That installation electrician must be physically on site. And inspect the work, and that all electrical connections is in line with SANS, EIR. (Electrical Installation Regulations)
"we don't charge so much for the CoC it will be only three pages!"
NOTE: No a CoC is not just three pages it is a pack of documentation that is required to be compiled. Not just three pages! - Request and File this documentation.
"you will get the CoC on final payment!"
No, you should receive the CoC once the installation has been performed. Your CoC cannot be with held.
The law is clear an installation or master installation electrician will be on site when the installation is being performed.
Do not rely just on their insurance
1. The company that is performing the electrical solar installation, must provide you with the registration documentation with the Department of labor or with the Mutual Federated Employers Fund. - Request and File this document.
2. The company that is performing the electrical solar installation, must provide you with a letter from the department of labor that they are registered as an electrical contractor. - Request and File this document.
- Solar Companies are not allowed to subcontract work to an electrician. The Installation electrician or Master Installation electrician must be employed by them. That solar company must be registered as an Electrical Contractor with the DOeL.
- Registered electricians must be on their Payroll. AND ..
- The company shall be registered with the NBCEI if they are employing workers - Request and File this document.
3. The company that is performing the electrical solar installation, must provide you with proof of their wireman's license and or the electrician that is in their employment wireman's license and DOL registration as Installation electrician or master installation electrician. - Request and File this document.
4. To ensure you have a compliant Solar PV Management system you may request the Electrical Approved Inspection authority to perform an over inspection on your electrical solar pv management system. https://bit.ly/ElectricalAIA
5. You may request the Electrical Approved Inspection Authority to perform such over inspection through this link https://bit.ly/ElectricalAIA
NOTE - STP Single phase electrician may not install an Electrical Solar PV Management system unless they employ within their company and installation electrician or master installation electrician.
2. The company must provide you with a letter from their insurance underwriter that stipulates the following.
- R 10,000,000.00 (Ten Million Rand) Insurance coverage for contractors liability. - Residential Installations, Larger installations will have their own specific insurance requirements.
- R X amount public liability.
Test their insurance company! Call them! Ask questions! - Request and File this document. (Insurance Letter not the actual policy)
Check warranties
Make sure the electrical contractor provides warranties and guarantees for the installation and the equipment. Compare these with the manufacturer's warranties and guarantees. Call their supplier, check on the guarantee and warrantee.Spotting an Invalid Certificate of Compliance (COC)
Read this article PRESS HERE
According to the law, an electrician must not only check any new electrical work for compliance, but also to make sure that the existing installation is reasonably safe and meets the general safety principles of the standard. It is important to note that this does not mean that an old or existing installation complies with the current regulations at the date of issue of CoC, but it must be tested and inspected to ensure that it is safe to use. This is a crucial step to ensure the safety of the property's residents, and it is the responsibility of the electrician to carry out the necessary inspections and tests..
You can ask if the electrical solar installer forms part of SAPAC Professionals and Contractors. If they do not form part of SAPAC you ask them to be checked by SAPAC. Why would they refuse? SAPAC will assist you Free of Charge. All SAPAC Electrical Contractors is electrical registered companies that are registered electrical contractors with the Department of Employment and Labor (DOeL). They also employ electrical apprentices or competent and capable electrical workers. And they will have an installation or master installation electrician on the site when the installation is underway.
No SAPAC Professionals and Contractors do not sub contract any contractor regardless of their discipline!
Yes some SAPAC Professionals and Contractors may be able to work on National Key points. Contact SAPAC for further information.
My solar PV installation is non compliant
If you are concerned about your solar installation contact SAPAC. Do not stay silent about this. This topic is serious enough to state that an illegal installation is in actual fact a high risk not only to your premises or dwelling but also those inside. And the installer that performed the installation needs to be identified sooner than later! SAPAC is actively working to rid the industry of these self named self proclaimed solar installers.
If you are unsure you may get in contact all information is treated in confidence.
SAPAC this is the Way!
What can I do?
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SAPAC Professionals and Contractors is national in all South African provinces.
Further Reading:
- Google, SAPAC.co.za Trust Matters