How do I verify a Solar installer in South Africa?
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How do I verify a Solar Installer?
Prepared by : SAPAC Reporter
Article Classification: Information
Image courtesy: SAPAC Professionals and Contractors
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Areas: Southern Africa, Northern Cape, Western Cape, Cape Winelands, Free State, Gauteng, North West Province, Limpopo, Mpumalanga, Natal
Did you know that with SAPAC there are trusted firms, that complies with regards to these requirements. To get in contact complete the form above. Further down in the article is much more information for you.
As the demand for solar energy continues to rise in South Africa, choosing a reliable and qualified solar installer becomes crucial. Installing solar panels is a significant investment, and ensuring that you work with a reputable electrical professional is essential for the success and safety of your solar project. In this article, we will explore the steps you can take to verify a solar installer in South Africa, with a specific focus on using the South African Professionals and Contractors Collective (SAPAC.co.za) as a reliable resource.
Why Verification is Important
Verifying a solar installer is vital for several reasons. First and foremost, it ensures that the installer possesses the necessary skills, knowledge, and legal qualifications to carry out the installation safely and effectively. Secondly, verification provides reassurance that the installer adheres to the electrical industry standards and regulations, minimizing the risk of faulty installations or substandard work. Lastly, working with a verified electrical solar installer increases the chances of receiving warranties and competent electrical after-sales support.
Using SAPAC.co.za for Verification
The South African Professionals and Contractors Collective (SAPAC.co.za) is an excellent resource for verifying solar installers in South Africa. SAPAC.co.za is a private entity "that promotes" and advocates for legal electricians only. Standards within the electrical energy industry is important and is aligned towards the health and safety of those that understand the importance of safety within their homes and businesses. SAPAC works to protect the rights and interests of both consumers and professional contractors and has a strict set of requirements for electricians to form part of the panel. Here's how you can use SAPAC.co.za to verify a solar installer:
Visit the SAPAC online platform: Access the SAPAC.co.za platform at https://sapac.co.za. The platform provides comprehensive information about its (Mission and Objectives - LINK).
Note the panel will provide you with a reliable pool of professionals who have met SAPAC's stringent requirements. And adheres towards the prescribed standards. Contact SAPAC if unsure.
[1] SAPAC Contact details below
Ask the installer's for their credentials: Once you have identified potential solar installers from the SAPAC.co.za platform, take the time to ask for and review their credentials. Ask them their DOL Contractors letter, including wireman's licences and relevant experience in solar installations. This information will give you confidence in their ability to handle your project. And contact SAPAC
Read about them on their SAPAC.co.za profile. Visit their business websites. SAPAC do encourage users to get in touch, or provide any issues experienced for the electricians on their profiles. Take advantage of this feature by reading their feedback. If there are issues it will be dealt with correctly. - Request more information.
Contact SAPAC.co.za for further information: If you have any questions or concerns about a specific installer, don't hesitate to contact SAPAC.co.za directly. SAPAC will provide you with additional information on how to report "non-compliant installers or electricians in your area!"
Remember! There is a very good reason only Electricians are on board the SAPAC.co.za platform
Important notice!
SAPAC only has and will only allow legal electricians on the panel and does cater for all areas across South Africa. It is crucial to understand the following. If an installer (acting as employer) is subcontracting an electrician this may seem not to big of a deal to you. But what you do not know is that these installers is trying to subcontract out their legal liability. How may this affect you?
SAPAC refers you to Section 10 of the OHS Act for reference then, which reads as - (1) Any person who designs, manufactures, imports, sells or supplies any article for use at work shall ensure, as far as is reasonably practicable, that the article is safe and without risks to health when properly used and that it complies with all prescribed requirements. - Electrical contract work work is not ordinary contract work. - It is specialised
What does that mean for you?
Electrical Regulations (also in the OHS Act 85 of 1993 - Link)
It is crucial and paramount to use only Electricians that prescribes towards the Electrical installation regulations and the applicable SANS standard guidelines of correct installations. There is no way around it.
Opportunistic entities that does not prescribe towards the electrical installations and Section 27 of the Labour Relations Act and the relevant regulations and SANS standards enacted in law. Is then in effect taking chances with your health, safety and hard earned money. (In many cases your retirement money)
Electricians on the SAPAC panel within the electrical discipline as a collective then therefore have a say and regularly engage on a daily, weekly basis with SAPAC.
If you are unsure and should you still require assistance in your area. Be sure to contact SAPAC.co.za
Why use SAPAC!
SAPAC, works closely with all Contractors, SAPAC advances the use of real bona fide professionals and contractors. The services offered towards the public is free, and should there be any unforeseen issues SAPAC advocates the use of the relevant regulatory bodies to assist the public in the correct format.
SAPAC, is working closely with "legal anti-fraud agencies" - Report fraud Link.
Note: If you have an electrical issue of have a fraudulent installation. You must contact the Electrical AIA. SAPAC is not an Electrical AIA therefore will provide you the information to submit to the Electrical AIA your report.
Press this [LINK] to contact them
Frequent questions and answers?
Q: Is this service free to use by me the public?
A: Yes, in line with the SAPAC (Mission and Objectives - LINK) you the public is assisted with the relevant information free of charge.
Q: Does SAPAC receive undeclared commissions from these electricians.
A: Seeing that we are a private entity and that we apply ethics, the answer is no.
Q: Is these electrical contractors, sub contracted out by SAPAC
A: Seeing that we are a private entity and that we apply ethics, the answer is no.
Q: I am an electrical contractor, do I pay for leads?
A: Seeing that we are a private entity and that we apply ethics, the answer is no. We however look after you. And provide you with extra commercial recourses. Do visit the SAPAC (Mission and Objectives - LINK)
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Solar Installations, COCs and SAPAC [LINK]
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