COIDA Package
COIDA Package
Registration & Letter of Good Standing
South Africa's Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act (Act 130 of 1993), commonly referred to as the COIDA Act, mandates that all employers, whether companies or individuals, who engage one or more employees, must register with the Workman's Compensation Fund within seven business days of commencing employment. Effective March 10, 2021, this registration requirement has been extended to include South African households employing domestic workers, gardeners, nannies, caregivers, drivers, and other similar positions.
- Complete the form below by pressing "contact us"
- Return of Earning Submission
- Letter of Good Standing
- Optional Add on: SAPAC Stakeholder status
- Timeframe: 2-Weeks
WHAT DOCUMENTATION IS REQUIRED FOR REGISTRATION WITH THE WCA?Complete this Form online and find out: Terms and Conditions Apply.
South Africa Current Time (SAPAC Time) - 24 Hour Format
South African Professionals and Contractors (SAPAC) Time
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