SAPAC Right of Admission Reserved

Right of Admission Reserved: A Notice to Users


This notice serves to inform all visitors that the SAPAC platform reserves the right to deny or revoke access to individuals who do not adhere to our established guidelines and standards of conduct. This policy is implemented to maintain a safe, inclusive, and professional environment for all public members and stakeholders.

Who is Allowed:

All individuals, regardless of race, gender, language, sexual orientation, age, disability, or any other protected characteristic, are welcome to participate in the SAPAC platform. We are committed to fostering a diverse and inclusive community where everyone feels valued and respected.

As depicted in our Bill of Rights Chapter 2

Who is Not Allowed:

The following individuals will be denied or revoked access to the SAPAC platform:

  • Individuals with Malicious Intent: Anyone who engages in harmful, disruptive, or malicious behavior.
  • Individuals with a Precarious Internet History: Those who have a documented history of online misconduct or criminal activity that poses a risk to the safety and integrity of the platform. 
  • Individuals with questionable intent: Performing uncalled searches.

Note: Our advanced AI system, SA Pro Net X, is equipped to identify and monitor potential threats, ensuring that our platform remains secure for all site users including all SAPAC Stakeholders.

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in upholding these guidelines. By adhering to these principles, we can create a positive and productive environment for all public members of the SAPAC community. Including for all SAPAC Stakeholders.

South Africa Current Time (SAPAC Time) - 24 Hour Format


South African Professionals and Contractors (SAPAC) Time Protection Status