How to Spot a Fake Electrical Certificate of Compliance
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Spotting a Fake Electrical CoC - Certificate of compliance
Prepared by :SAPAC Reporter
Article Classification: Guide
Image courtesy: SAPAC Professionals and Contractors
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Planning to Sell your House
If you're planning to sell your house or want to ensure the safety of your property, it's essential to ensure that your home's electrical installation is secure and safe, given that life without electricity is almost impossible. The best way to do this is to obtain an electrical certificate of compliance from a registered and qualified electrician, which confirms that your installation has been inspected and complies with the SANS10142-1 Electrical Installation Regulations, indicating that it is safe.
SAPAC can provide you with access to skilled, registered professionals who can give you peace of mind by ensuring that your electrical installation is safe, secure, and up-to-date. One of the key advantages of choosing a SAPAC Electrician for your electrical certificate of compliance is that all inspections and paperwork are handled in accordance with the required legislation, ensuring that you receive consistent high-quality service.
If you are looking for Electricians that operates Nationally or in your area you my contact SAPAC for assistance to find an electrician in your area.
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Identifying a Fake Certificate of Compliance (COC)
An electrical Certificate of Compliance (CoC) is an official document confirming that a building's electrical systems and installations are up to standard, safe, and in good working condition. To obtain a CoC, one needs to engage a qualified and registered electrician. CoCs are valid for two years from the date of issuance. Banks accept a certificate of two years or younger, but a certificate remains valid until something changes, owner or addition / removal or modification of the installation.
It is advisable for property owners to ensure that their buildings have valid CoCs at all times. This is especially important for older buildings that are more prone to electrical wear and tear. It is generally a good practice for even new buildings to be inspected every two years.
A registered and qualified electrician can conduct a thorough inspection of a building and issue a CoC if all is in order. Alternatively, if any electrical components are malfunctioning, defective, or pose a risk to occupants or animals in the building, they must be either repaired, replaced, or removed.
Here are some signs that your Certificate of Compliance (COC) may be fake.
Here are some criteria that can indicate that your Certificate of Compliance (COC) may be fake:
1. Residential main distribution boards should have an elevated voltage of less than 25 Volts.. If it’s more than 25 Volts, consider your COC as invalid.
2.Main distribution board should have a continuity bonding of 0.2 Ohms or less. If it’s higher, your COC is invalid.
3. The insulation resistance value should not be less than 1 mega ohms. It can either be 1 or infinity. Do make sure that this has to be stated on the COC
4. Your Certificate of Compliance (COC) should specify that the operating range of earth leakage units is between 15-30 Milliamps.5. If there are any corrections or alterations on your Certificate of Compliance (COC), it may be considered invalid. A valid COC should be free from any changes or modifications.
6. It is crucial that the information on your Certificate of Compliance (COC) is accurate. This includes details such as the date of issue and the electrician's information, which should be captured correctly. Failing to ensure the accuracy of this information may result in your COC being invalid.
7. In the inspection and tests section of your Certificate of Compliance (COC), the answer must be either 'Yes' or 'N/A'. If the answer is 'No', the COC may be considered invalid. However it does not mean the COC to be invalid, it means that the issue must be rectified as soon as possible.
8. The signature of the electrician who issues the CoC is essential to confirm the validity and accuracy of the information included in the certificate. If the CoC is deemed invalid, the electrician can be held accountable. The electrician may also leave comments regarding potential issues that require attention. It's important to understand any comments provided. It's crucial to have a valid CoC to ensure the safety of your property. Faulty electrical installations are a leading cause of house fires and can be life-threatening if left unaddressed. Contact us today to schedule an inspection by one of our service professionals. We are ready to ensure your electrical compliance and provide peace of mind for you and your property.
The electrical certificate of compliance (CoC) is not just a mere formality required by law. Although many may perceive it as a hassle when it comes to property sales, bonds or insurance, it actually holds great importance as a safety document. Simply possessing a CoC is not sufficient to ensure that your insurance is valid, and neglecting its significance can potentially jeopardize the safety of your family or business.
Responsibility: Certificate of Compliance lies with the owner or the lessor of the property
According to the law, the responsibility for ensuring the safety, proper use, and maintenance of an electrical installation lies with the person who owns the property, not the lessor. This is particularly relevant for those who rent business properties, as rental agreements may transfer this responsibility to the tenant without verifying the existence and validity of a certificate of compliance beforehand. We recommend that you always insist on seeing a valid CoC before renting a business property and that you only assume responsibility for the certificate if the property owner or rental company confirms its validity.
Also read
- Guide to Electrical Certificate of compliance
- Information for Landlords, Estate Agents, and tenants
Always have a certificate of compliance for your property at all times.
The law is unequivocal on this matter. It stipulates that the individual or company who uses or rents out the property must possess a valid certificate of compliance. Without one, any attempts to make an insurance or bond claim could be jeopardized. It is important to note that this requirement does not necessarily fall on the property owner. Therefore, if you are the user or lessor, it is imperative to ensure that you possess a valid certificate, lest you open yourself up to counterclaims from the property owner if you are managing the property.
COC Amendment Required for Additional Electrical Work
Making changes to your electrical system? Whether you're installing a new plug socket, adding a solar installation, or updating your lapa wiring, it's important to know that any addition or alteration to your electrical installation requires a supplement to your CoC. Keep in mind that you can't issue a supplement for this work if your property doesn't have a valid CoC for the whole system, as the law is very clear on this matter.
According to the law, an electrician must not only check any new electrical work for compliance, but also to make sure that the existing installation is reasonably safe and meets the general safety principles of the standard. It is important to note that this does not mean that an old or existing installation complies with the current regulations at the date of issue of CoC, but it must be tested and inspected to ensure that it is safe to use. This is a crucial step to ensure the safety of the property's residents, and it is the responsibility of the electrician to carry out the necessary inspections and tests..
"Is a Certificate of Compliance (CoC) Required for Solar Installations and Generators?"
It's important to note that any company claiming to issue a Certificate of Compliance (CoC) for a specific electrical installation must first confirm that the entire property has a valid CoC. This is a legal requirement, and any deviation from it can result in the invalidation of your insurance.
"The Electrical Certificate of Compliance (CoC) and its Test Report: What You Need to Know"
The legal document known as the Certificate of Compliance (CoC) is typically a 2 pages in length with a test report. However, alongside this document, your electrical contractor should also provide you with a more detailed report of the work that was carried out on your property. This report, commonly referred to as a 'test report', may contain a range of additional information such as wiring diagrams and photographs. Its purpose is to provide a clear and concise record of the inspections and tests that were conducted on your property, demonstrating that it meets the necessary safety and compliance standards.
To note: The recent release of the 'General Test Report' by SABS consists of only one page, as it is intended for electricians to provide accompanying annexures that are tailored to their specific installation. In most cases, it is improbable that you will receive only the three pager document, as annexure pages are typically included.
What to do if you are unsure about your Electrical CoC?
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Further Reading:
- Google, SAPAC.co.za Trust Matters
- Guide to Electrical Certificate of compliance
- Information for Landlords, Estate Agents, and tenants
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