These businesses in South Africa are taking a beating – and you already know why!
The past few years have been tough for many businesses in South Africa, and this is not news to anyone. But what may be news to some is how some specific industries have been particularly hit hard by corruption and fraud, which is why businesses such as electrical contractors, builders, and plumbers are taking a real beating.
Electrical and Solar
One of the biggest issues affecting the electrical contractor industry is the prevalence of corrupt solar and charlatan electrical installers. These fly-by-night operations claim to offer high-quality solar installations at a fraction of the cost, but the truth is that they cut corners, use sub-standard materials, and offer no guarantees. This has led to many homeowners being taken for a ride, with sub-par installations and no recourse when things go wrong.
Building industry and plumbers
The building industry and plumbing industries are also struggling, with many illegal contractors masquerading on social media platforms and other online spaces. These contractors offer services at incredibly low prices, but they are not licensed or regulated, and they do not adhere to local building and safety standards. This can lead to disastrous consequences, not only for the homeowner but for the wider community as well.
Home owners
To make matters worse, many homeowners are not aware that the Certificate of Compliance (CoC) required for legal installations is many times forged and is then not approved by insurances and banks. This means that homeowners who have had work done by illegal contractors often end up paying twice for the same services, as they have to hire legal contractors to come in and fix the shoddy work done by the illegal contractors.
Potential problems
Another worrying trend is the movement of workforces from different provinces to build multi-million rand homes in South Africa. While this may seem like a positive thing or cheaper option for most, it often means that these newly built homes do not adhere to local specific standards or the required SAN Standards, which in turn can have serious consequences in terms of safety and environmental impacts. So think again.
"South African Professionals and Contractors Collective" - SAPAC
Fortunately, there is help at hand. The South African Professionals and Contractors (SAPAC) is a national dedicated platform, dedicated to helping people find and access the correct contractors for their needs. SAPAC works to ensure that contractors is adequately licensed, conforms to applicable regulations, and do in fact abide themselves towards standards. By joining SAPAC, legal contractors joins a collective of like minded business owners and get access to a range of ready to understand commercial tools and other functions and support and that allows them to work together as a collective to eradicate the fraud that is happening across South Africa in all provinces.
In conclusion, it is clear that many businesses in South Africa are taking a real beating due to corruption and fraud. However, by working together and joining SAPAC, legal contractors can make a real difference and help ensure that the industry is regulated, safe, and effective for all South Africans.
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SAPAC is a collective of registered professionals and contractors with a variety of skills and valid registrations in the construction sphere. If you have a particular question or believe that you want an expert opinion get in contact with SAPAC and our team will assist you with the correct information.