Storm Damage to Solar Installations in Western Cape

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Storm Damage to Solar Installations in Western Cape

Prepared by :SAPAC
Article Classification: Public Awareness
Image courtesy: Storm Solar

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Areas: Southern AfricaNorthern Cape, Western Cape, Cape Winelands, Free State, Gauteng, North West Province, Limpopo, Mpumalanga, Natal 

Storm Damage to Solar Installations in Western Cape

The recent storm that swept through the Western Cape has left a trail of devastation in its wake, causing significant damage to homes and properties. Among the casualties of this destructive weather event are solar installations, many of which have come undone due to poor workmanship performed by individuals who claim to be solar installers but lack the necessary qualifications as Electrical Contractors. We emphasize the importance of verifying the credentials of your Electrical Contractor performing solar installations to avoid such issues that can become apparent after such events.

The Risk of Poor Workmanship in Solar Installations

Solar panels are an investment in renewable energy and the environment. However, when they are improperly installed, they become vulnerable to damage during extreme weather events, such as the recent storm that has battered the Western Cape. It has come to SAPACs attention that self-proclaimed solar installers, masquerading as electrical contractor, have been responsible for substandard solar installations in that region. This poses a grave risk to homeowners who believe they are investing in a reliable and sustainable energy source. That is being installed in their dwelling or commercial property.

How to Protect Yourself from Self Proclaimed Electrical Contractors

If you are concerned that your solar installation may have been performed by an unqualified individual, it is crucial to take action to rectify the situation:

  1. Verify their Credentials: The first step is to verify the credentials of your chosen electrical contractor. To ensure that you are partnering with a reputable professional, consider using the free services of, which can confirm whether the installer is a registered electrical firm with the Department of Labour.

Over Inspection by the Electrical Approved Inspection Authority 

  1. Inspection by an Approved Authority: If it is determined that your installation was performed illegally or by an unqualified installer, it is advisable to contact the Electrical Approved Installation Authority immediately. They can conduct an over-inspection of the installation connection points to assess the extent of the damage and identify any unforeseen connection safety hazards.

    For your Peace of Mind you may Contact the Electrical Approved Inspection Authority through this Link
    Contact Bravoscan for Over Inspection of your Solar Installations

  2. Professional Remediation: Only after the inspection by the Electrical Approved Installation Authority should you proceed with rectifying the issues. This should be carried out only by a Registered Electrical Contractor with the necessary qualifications and expertise in solar panel installations.

Where does SAPAC fit in?

SAPAC short for South African Professionals and Contractors Collective, understands the inherent issues you are faced each day when looking for or seeking the services of reputable professionals or contractors online. SAPAC mission and objectives can be viewed here. SAPAC Mission and Objectives

a) You may submit complaints through SAPAC
b) You may ask for free assistance
c) You may request information to services
d) You may report issues experienced

Read: The Role of SAPAC

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Insurance Coverage and Protection

If your solar installation has suffered damage due to the recent storm, it is important to check your insurance policy to determine whether you are covered for such damages. Having the right insurance in place can provide financial protection in the event of unforeseen circumstances.

The recent storm in the Western Cape has highlighted the risks associated with poorly installed solar panels. To safeguard your investment and ensure the safety of your home, it is essential to work with qualified and registered electricians for your solar installations. By following the steps outlined above, you can take proactive measures to address any issues stemming from substandard installations and protect your home and property from further damage.

SAPAC this is the Way

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