Are you Sure your Super informed on Solar?
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Discover the Truth About Solar Installations:
Prepared by : SAPAC Reporter
Article Classification: Information
Image courtesy: SAPAC Professionals and Contractors
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What you did not know!
Are you well-informed about solar energy and its installation? If not, this article is about to shed light on some crucial facts that every homeowner you know should know before even considering solar.
And if you have been caught, it would be wise to read further on how to effectively resolve the issue. Make no misconception there is satire in this article for a very good reason.
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Beware of Solar Installers! [READ LINK]
Believe it or not, "some" solar installers are not entirely honest with their customers. If you've made it this far into the article, it's essential to share this information with your family and friends by copying the link and spreading the word.
So, why are "some" solar installers less than trustworthy? It all boils down to the grey areas. So watch out!
The Solar Guy and "His Electrician"
You might be surprised to learn that many solar companies operates as completely different businesses. Some is, or were IT companies, plumbing businesses, tree felling services or even waterproofing companies there are even security companies chipping in to get a piece of Solar.
These individuals then took a brief five-day course designed for electricians, which pales in comparison to the comprehensive training electricians typically receive during their six-year apprenticeship, culminating in a red seal and a wireman's license. - Imagine that!
Now, here's where it gets tricky: some solar companies offer electricians a cut of the profits. They invoice the client and then task the electrician to perform the Certificate of Compliance (COC). Unfortunately, in several cases, single-phase electricians are used because they are easily manipulated. This unethical practice can lead to a disastrous outcome. For you and the Electrician. Not for the Solar guy because he will disappear of course. But because a single phase ESTP Electrician may not issue COC on Solar installations.
But Know this - Only an Installation Electrician or Master Installation Electrician may sign a COC. But do not get lost because of this. That does not mean your installation is to standard if you have a COC from such an Electrician.
This is where many Solar guys try Electricians, they just do not grasp the Regulations. But you are smart and if in doubt call SAPAC.co.za
The Solar Horror and Nightmare - Unveiled
The nightmare begins when the COC never materializes despite waiting endlessly. This leaves you with an installation lacking the proper certification. Now, imagine facing this! "A solar system installed not by a qualified electrician but by a green card holder!" Your insurance becomes invalid, and you can't claim any damages if, heaven forbid, a fire breaks out or something worse!
Or, you have an installation as mentioned a COC but for whatever reason there is a problem. So you take photos and post it on Social Media asking for advice and low and behold a lot of comments that makes you worried. Now you need to know if the installation conforms. But you cannot reach the solar guy neither the electrician. - Why is that?
Or, you submit your SSEG report and paperwork is missing. For instance the Structural Engineers report. Just saying... Is your installation installed correctly?
What makes Solar Guys so alluring?
If you have reach this far in the article, you might be either shocked, dismayed or furious. I am sure if I were you, being in your shoes you may want to check on this information. Go right ahead. The contact numbers is right down in the article. But before you call, do read on what makes them so alluring.
- Yes that is right their Price point, hook line and sinker many have fallen prey. For this Tactic and pressure sale tactics. Yes we know if you would like to chat about it (Look at the end of the article)
- The price you pay is going to establish the following factors as discussed above. The Solar Horror and Nightmare.
How to resolve this issue safely?
Thankfully, there is a viable solution. You can submit the relevant information to the Approved Inspection Authority (Electrical AIA) for inspection. This way, you'll ensure the health, safety and well being of your family and home. Note, honest electricians will not touch such an installation. And if someone does they take full ownership of that installation. There is a reason why standards exist. Including the electrical regulations. You will need to Contact the Electrical Approved Inspection Authority. They are the only legally appointed entity in terms of Regulation 4 of the Electrical Installation Regulations to perform an inspection. Contact SAPAC immediately to assist you free of charge.
Report to the Electrical AIA!
The Consequences for Dishonest Electricians
Yes there is consequences. Electricians caught issuing COCs for solar installations without proper licencing requirements in place face serious repercussions. Further an Electrician signing for a Solar Installer a COC. No cannot and may not happen for a couple of reasons!
An inspection will be conducted by the Electrical Approved Inspection Authority, and the system will be deactivated to protect you and your family in the interim. Moreover, the dishonest electrician will receive a letter of demand and likely lose their license to operate as a registered electrician ever again. Keep in mind the Solar guy will have disappeared. And the possibility that you can be fined by your municipality does exist. (Illegal Electrical Installation i.e. Connection)
There is a Path to a Legal Solar Installation.
Navigating the complex legal framework of solar installation might look daunting. However by using SAPAC.co.za you will be assisted free of charge. Many have done so and is enjoying their Solar Installations. To ensure a legal and safe solar installation, consult a registered, bona fide electrician. Visit SAPAC.co.za or call the SAPAC Office to get free assistance in finding a qualified electrician authorized to install solar systems in your area.
Contact SAPAC today!
Choose Wisely and Go Solar with Confidence
Now that you're informed about some of the hidden truths of solar guys, you can make smarter choices for your family. Embrace solar energy with confidence, knowing that you've made a well-informed decision with the help of an honest and qualified electrician. Let SAPAC guide you on your journey towards a brighter, greener future.
Read why its now the time to install Solar [LINK] Afrikaans Article 1 Minute.