Professionals and Contractors budgeting tips: Yes it is a thing!

SAPAC Reporter

Budgeting plans

If the idea of creating and following a budget is overwhelming, don't panic. Take a deep breath and consider these ten insights. They may help you shift your perspective from panic to a more enlightened approach to budgeting.

1. Do life… on your own terms, and with your own pocket in mind.

It's important to remember that you don't need to keep up with anyone else's financial situation, so it's crucial to set goals that match your own reality and aspirations. It's recommended to establish milestones for the short, medium, and long term. For example, in the short term, you may want to focus on paying off debt, lowering expenses, or investing in education or a wedding. In the medium term, you may want to plan for a vacation or starting a family. In the long term, you may want to save for retirement or a luxurious lifestyle. Once you have determined your goals, you can begin to consider the financial implications and steps needed to achieve them.

Your spending plan 

2. T stands for TRACK.

To begin managing your finances, it's important to track both your income and expenses. This involves creating a realistic spending plan that takes into account all of your necessary and non-essential expenses. Remember that even small expenses can add up over time. By assessing whether your income exceeds your expenses, you can identify areas where you may need to make trade-offs or cut back in order to stay within your budget.

"To gain a clear understanding of your spending habits and financial situation, it is important to take an honest look at both necessary and non-essential expenses. This will allow you to determine whether your income covers your expenses, and identify areas where you can cut back or make changes to better manage your monthly spending."

3. Automate to simplify.

One useful technique is to set up automatic debit orders for your recurring expenses, ideally scheduled close to your payday. This way, you can see how much money you have left for the rest of the month once those payments are accounted for. Make an effort to adhere to your budget and rely on your credit card only as a last resort.

4. Ask yourself: How will this add value to my life?

To avoid making unnecessary purchases, take a moment to reflect on your intended purchases before reaching the checkout counter. You may find that there are one or two expensive items in your shopping cart that you may not actually use or need. A helpful suggestion is to consider if you still desire an item after five days of contemplation, and if so, it may be worth the investment. However, if not, redirect that money towards your emergency fund or paying off any outstanding debts.

Emergency fund

5. Plan for emergencies. Don’t be caught by surprise.

To prepare for life's unexpected emergencies and financial challenges, it is recommended to regularly deposit money into a separate savings account to build up a reserve fund.

Savings account

6. Plan a life of confidence.

Achieving financial success requires deliberate planning just like any other form of success. It is important to understand and acknowledge what is required to manage life's financial realities. Saving money for unforeseen events such as illness, disability, or loss of income is crucial to ensure that you and your family can financially survive the unexpected. Therefore, it's important to create a budget that considers the need to plan for a secure future.

Illness disability 

7. Use debt wisely but remember that cash is king.

Avoid giving in to desire and instant gratification and assess whether it's necessary to make a significant purchase immediately. If there's no compelling reason to buy something now, consider saving up for it instead of using credit. Once you have saved enough, you may realize that you don't want or need the item after all. However, debt is an inevitable part of our financial lives and can either make or break your budget and financial planning. It is crucial to understand the difference between good and bad debt. For example, a home loan is a good debt because you acquire an asset and may benefit from capital appreciation over time, while taking out a student loan to finance your education can be offset by the lifelong earning potential. In contrast, taking on excessive debt to purchase depreciating assets such as cars or unnecessary items is harder to justify. When you have debt, focus on paying it back in a smart way by prioritizing the payment of debts with the highest interest rates first, while also paying attention to the smallest debts that can be paid off quickly.

Explained: Difference between good and bad debt

Understanding: Home Loans 

8. Be tax savvy.

To avoid penalties, it is crucial to submit your tax returns on time. Furthermore, it is important to be aware of the deductions you are eligible for, such as maintenance and repair costs if you own a rental property. Saving wisely can also result in tax benefits, such as investing in a tax-free account or retirement annuities within a specified limit.

Understanding: Retirement funds 

9. Call in the help of a professional.

Developing and adhering to a budget is a continuous process, and seeking the assistance of a professional can enhance your confidence and likelihood of achieving success. Just as you would seek the guidance of certified experts for your physical and mental health, enlisting the support of a qualified financial advisor can significantly impact the outcome of your financial journey. Keep in mind that you are not alone in your struggle to create and adhere to a budget. Don't give up, even if you stumble along the way. Your ability to manage your money effectively is far more important to your financial success and confidence than the amount of money you earn.

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Sanlam Nellie Mostert South Africa

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