Professionals and Contractors Collective

For Public Attention! | Vir Publieke Aandag!

Gerhard Marais

What is all the Hype about "The Professionals Contractors Collective"

English and Afrikaans (Afrikaans see below)

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The South African search platform "The Professional and Contracting Collective" answers the growing online demand from the public for transparent search ethics. 

The market needs more transparent procurement processes that is accessible towards the public.

“The influx of semigration impacting construction companies, combined with the upturn with inflation and the current fuel price creates the need for more streamlined, transparent professional contracting processes,” 

“Big businesses are feeling the impact of increased competition on profit margins as project budgets often operate on a knife’s edge. A delay of even one day when sourcing reliable sub contractors can cost a company millions of rands” Networking opportunities are becoming more scarcer. Even within industries trying to promote each other that does not fully comprehend contracting or construction. Not to even mention the legal concerns. 

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How does the Search platform of the Contractors Collective Work?

Launched in 2020, the online system for the Professional Contractors collective allows the public, to search for contractors and their services, connecting them to  the correct professionals and contractors who can then quote and bid for jobs in their respective areas. In all the disciplines. 

Companies become part of the collective, this allows them to be verified but also allows a safe place for the public to search for professionals and contractors. Its a win win and eliminates 80% of guess work from online social groups. The platform is also considered live - "meaning"real time data is captured logged and the public has access to a support system. Allowing for better control over sensitive information such a asking on social media showcasing either contact details or geographical specifics.  

Contractors get access to own marketing features, including leads for Jobs. New business contacts including projects. Yearly membership is priced right to allow for effective ROI. 

You can contact us for assistance 

What problem is the platform solving?

The platform was created by Gerhard and Ella Marais in 2019, Gerhard working as ISO Auditor in mining and the private sector Business Software development and Ella as business owner. Gerhard found that when sourcing for contractors for a project in the Western Cape frustrating and inefficient. The electrical discipline was first approached with the platform that immediately saw the benefit. Thus they became stakeholders of the platform. Architects followed including builders and soon different contractors from different regions in the Western Cape.  

There was no centralized database that was user friendly enough for equipment and services to search for when wanting to search for professionals and contractors. People relied on Facebook, a collection of business cards, magazines and word of mouth. And took chances with advertising institutions.

“From a main contractor’s perspective, contractor services heavily impacts the resulting profit margin. It is worth 20 to 50 per cent of the total spend on a project, which means they can’t afford to waste time sourcing quotes. With the contractors platform, access to a greater number of suppliers in each region and each tender can be priced in a matter of minutes.

“The contractor and equipment side is very antiquated and low tech, the lack of understanding of Internet and digital marketing means businesses miss out on opportunities. The platform puts them on the map and gives them a chance to be considered for minor to major projects in different locations"

The platform is also designed to promote local contractors within Micro Operational environments. We believe in protecting Local economies. 

See this article

Very few professionals and contractors understand how to market their businesses online and they do not have the adequate technical support. This creates marketing initiatives by themselves to cut their main profit lines. Thus creating a negative growth. 

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With the Platform 

“It’s a win-win for everyone. The online platform makes the procurement process more transparent for the public with support, makes the industry more productive and helps reduce corruption in the industry, whilst providing an affordable online platform for construction firms, professionals including plant hire companies to promote their services.”

You can contact us for assistance 


Wat is al die Behep oor die "Professionele Kontrakteurs Kollektief" 


Kan gedeel word


Die Suid-Afrikaanse soek platform "The Professional and Contracting Collective" beantwoord die groeiende aanlyn-aanvraag van die publiek vir deursigtige soek etiket.

Die mark benodig meer deursigtige verkrygings prosesse wat vir die publiek toeganklik is.

"Die invloei van semigrasie wat konstruksie maatskappye raak, gekombineer met die opgradering van inflasie en die huidige brandstofprys skep die behoefte aan meer vaartbelynde, deursigtige professionele kontrakterings prosesse,"

"Groot besighede voel die impak van verhoogde mededinging op winsmarges aangesien projek begrotings dikwels op 'n mespunt balanseer. 'n Vertraging van selfs een dag vir die verkryging van betroubare subkontrakteurs kan 'n maatskappy miljoene rande kos.” Netwerkgeleenthede word al skaarser. Selfs binne nywerhede wat probeer om mekaar te bevorder wat nie kontraktering of konstruksie ten volle begryp nie. Om nie eers te praat van die regs bekommernisse met verkeerde verwysings nie..

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Hoe werk die Soek platform van die Kontrakteurs kollektief?

Die aanlynstelsel vir die Professionele Kontrakteurs-kollektief, wat in 2020 bekendgestel is, stel die publiek in staat om kontrakteurs en hul dienste te soek, en verbind hulle met die regte professionele persone en kontrakteurs wat dan kan kwoteer en bie vir werk in hul onderskeie gebiede. In al die dissiplines.

Maatskappye word deel van die kollektief, maar dit bied ook 'n veilige plek vir die publiek om na professionele persone en kontrakteurs te soek. Dit is 'n wen-wen en skakel 80% van raaiwerk van aanlyn sosiale groepe uit. Die platform word ook as lewendig beskou - wat beteken dat data dadelik aangeteken word en vasgelê word. Dit bied die publiek toegang tot 'n ondersteuningstelsel. Dit maak voorsiening vir beter beheer oor sensitiewe inligting, soos om op sosiale media te vra met kontak besonderhede óf geografiese besonderhede wat vertoon.

Kontrakteurs kry toegang tot eie bemarkingskenmerke, insluitend leidrade vir werk. Assook nuwe sake kontakte insluitend projekte. Jaarlikse lidmaatskap word reg geprys om effektiewe "ROI" toe te laat.

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Watter probleem los die platform op?

Die platform is in 2019 deur Gerhard en Ella Marais geskep, Gerhard het gewerk as ISO-ouditeur en Beroepsveiligheid Konsultant in die myn bou en privaat sektor asook Sageteware ontwikkeling en Ella as sake-eienaar. Gerhard het gevind dat by die verkryging van kontrakteurs vir 'n projek in die Wes-Kaap frustrerend en ondoeltreffend was. Dus was die elektriese disipline genader tenopsigte van die platform wat dadelik begryp het waaroor die platform gaan. Argitektuur, bouers asook verskeie ander disiplines in die kontrakteurs omgewing het spoedig gevolg. 

Daar was in die verlede geen gesentraliseerde databasis wat gebruikers vriendelik genoeg was vir toerusting en dienste om na te soek wanneer daar na professionele persone en kontrakteurs gesoek was nie. Mense het staatgemaak op sosiale media "Facebook" wat nie so veilig is nie asook, 'n versameling besigheidskaartjies, tydskrifte en mond tot mond verwysings. En kanse gevat met advertering instansies.

“Vanuit 'n hoofkontrakteur se perspektief het kontrakteursdienste 'n groot impak op die gevolglike winsmarge. Dit is 20 tot 50 persent van die totale besteding aan 'n projek werd, wat beteken dat hulle nie kan bekostig om tyd te mors met die verkryging van kwotasies nie. Met die kontrakteurs platform kan toegang tot 'n groter aantal verskaffers in elke streek en elke tender binne 'n kwessie van minute geprys word.

“Die huidige kontrakteurs sisteme daarbuite is baie verouderd en lae-tegnologie word gebruik, die gebrek aan begrip van internet en digitale bemarking beteken dat besighede geleenthede misloop. Die platform plaas hulle op die kaart en gee hulle 'n kans om oorweeg te word vir klein tot groot projekte op verskillende plekke asook plaaslik."

Die platform is ook ontwerp om plaaslike kontrakteurs binne mikro-operasionele omgewings te bevorder. Ons glo daarin om plaaslike ekonomieë te beskerm.

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Baie min professionele persone en kontrakteurs verstaan ​​hoe om hul besighede aanlyn te bemark en hulle het nie die voldoende tegniese ondersteuning nie. Dit skep dan probleme met eie bemarkingsinisiatiewe en afekteer negatiewe groei op wins lyne.

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Met die platform

"Dit is 'n wen-wen vir almal. Die aanlyn platform maak die verkrygingsproses meer deursigtig vir die publiek met ondersteuning, dit maak die bedryf meer produktief en help om korrupsie in die bedryf te verminder, terwyl dit 'n bekostigbare aanlyn platform bied vir konstruksiefirmas, professionele persone insluitend toerusting verhurings maatskappye om hul dienste te bevorder."

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The Professionals Contractors Collective

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