Reasons to Search on Garden Route Professionals & Contractors
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Reasons to Search on Garden Route Professionals and Contractors
In the Garden Route there is valid contractors that are covered both by bank and insurance companies alike. But then there, are those contractors that do take chances.
It is these chancers that sometimes ensure that the public at large pays the extra buck and a half after they the public discover that the contractor they employed under their own consultation and liability was not a registered member of a valid recognized Association. Meaning that they end up with insurance they cannot claim or that they cannot process a sale. That they require to facilitate. This does happen more often than you think. Especially in the Garden Route in the Western Cape.
Now for obvious reasons, Garden Route Professionals and Contractors have started with a Public campaign so to speak as a watch dog. Hence this Article.
We are not to be confused as enforcers. Yes we do not enforce, however we aim to assist and to facilitate an online public accessible database. And believe us there is more than meet the eyes behind the businesses that are listed. But more on that later..
Seeing that we are working closely working with all valid professionals and contractors in accordance with the relevant legislation and bylaws that each of these professionals and contractors must abide to.
On Garden Route Professionals & Contractors you will be able to search for yourself the following:
Renowned Architects, Draft People and Technologists
Electrical Experienced Electricians and
PIRB / IOPSA Experienced Plumbers.
We believe, and its our resolve that the Public should have access to those that incorporates the principle of experience, and proper due diligence. We closely operate close to association members and we implore the public to direct any queries with regards to questions they may have in writing either to our email admin@gardenrouteprofessionals.co.za or to any of our social media inboxes.
Now there may be some confusion amongst general contractors. Thus you are invited to contact us directly with your concern and where this may leave you. If you have been operating in the Garden Route i.e. the Western Cape contact us immediately.
Public members should kindly note the following. The sole Purpose is to safeguard established professional contractors in the Western Cape especially those that operates in and around the Garden Route! You obviously have the right to trade as it is a Free market but keep in mind the following.
1. There is no need to appoint out of Province contractors.
2. There is no Brain Drain that is experienced within the Garden Route.
3. If you cannot find an established contractor that is not listed as yet! You are more than welcome to contact us and we can arrange a contractor free of charge to you!
It is noted with great enthusiasm that all Professionals we visit is above the Board of what is generally expected. How can we make this statement? Well for starters we created a Baseline from 3 different contractors and we interviewed each one of them in person. Based on Knowledge, Experience, Past completed projects, value of projects and customer satisfaction. We then applied this Baseline to all our Professionals that we are visiting in person. And compared this in accordance with expected industry standards and practices.
We therefore can make this Statement: If you choose and utilize a Professional Contractor listed on Garden Route Professionals & Contractors that you will be then utilizing and appointing the cream of the crop so to speak in relation to:
1. Service Delivery
2. Project value
3. Workmanship
So do not delay, get your Contractor validated and get them listed. It is after all your projects that these professionals may sign off!