Pest Control Specialists Garden Route
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Pest Control and Your Business
Many businesses only make use of a professional pest control service once a severe pest infestation has occurred. However all businesses should have a permanent pest control procedure in place that is performed regularly by a professional service provider. Why? Because using a professional pest control service will catch a new infestation quickly and remedy it. It’s also more cost effective than dealing with each infestation one at a time. This eBook will explore the reasons why all businesses need a permanent pest control procedure in place, the risks of not having one in place, and the best way to go about choosing a pest control provider. As with the eBook on our contract cleaning, this one is aimed at business owners, operational managers and facilities managers.
Why you need a Professional Pest Control Provider
Professional pest control services are a must in any business environment. Unfortunately, it is not always a service that is thought of until an infestation has occurred. However, prevention is far better than cure when it comes to pest infestations and employing the services of a professional pest control provider will protect your property, your staff and your inventory. Insects, rodents and birds are proven carriers of disease. An infestation places your property, staff and inventory at risk. If your staff get sick, the risk of poor productivity and downtime is high. What’s more, if stock is destroyed due to an infestation, then this too will affect the bottom line. Furthermore, these pests burrow and eat into the fixtures and fittings of the building resulting in a deterioration of the property.
By employing the services of a professional pest control provider, you are able to ensure that your environment remains safe, hygienic and in excellent working order. Professional pest controllers have the wherewithal to spot pests that are not easily seen, as well as pinpoint the center of the infestation. Pest controllers tailor-make suitable solutions that will permanently rid your premises of the critters. However, by investing in a contract with a professional pest control service provider you are able to mitigate against infestations and put into action the age old sentiment of prevention being better than cure.
Let’s unpack the true benefits of using a professional pest control provider
While there are a number of do it yourself solutions available for pest control, most times they don’t offer a permanent solution to the problem. A comprehensive and integrated pest control management system will offer a long-term solution to all your pest control needs but the rest of the benefits of using a professional pest controller are plenty. Besides contracted pest control being hassle-free and offering professional results, here are the other benefits it offers your business:
Professional pest control provides convenience, safety and flexibility.
A professional pest control provider is well aware of the disturbance their work can cause to your busy office schedule. They are willing to work around your schedule and will only service the environment when it safe to do so and not disruptive to your productivity. This allows you the freedom to feel assured that you are protected against infestations and the risk of an infestation is regularly mitigated.
A professional pest control service is cost effective.
Contracting a pest control provider is a cost effective method to eradicating pests from your property. It prevents you from having to purchase multiple do it yourself products in an attempt to find the one that suits your needs best and it saves you from spending time fumigating in your ‘off’ hours. Furthermore, contracting a pest controller eliminates you potentially having to fork out thousands on repairs to your property, furniture or stock due to the damage caused by rodents or termites.
Professional pest controllers ensure your safety.
Your staff are your responsibility when they’re on your premises. You might try a few do it yourself methods, but should you choose the incorrect method of elimination for the infestation you have, then you are in for a disastrous outcome. By contracting a professional pest control provider you can rest assured that they will use the ideal method of elimination and your staff are out of harm’s way. A pest controller knows best how to safely and effectively eliminate any pests from the property.
Contracting a professional pest control control service underpins your compliance with HACCP.
Businesses with HACCP systems in place will benefit from contracting a professional pest control provider as the pest management systems that they will put in place - to prevent infestations - will assist with meeting compliance standards. When it is auditing time your professional pest control service will help you remain compliant with all pest management audits.
Myths, about pest control services debunked
"Do it yourself methods work wonders"
All infestations are treated effectively through professional pest control. Professional pest controllers have the wherewithal to treat pests effectively and efficiently the first time around. Do it yourself methods are not as effective and don’t have the same long-lasting effect that professional pest control treatments have.
"All pest control companies offer the same services and have the same standards"
This is untrue as it boils down to experience and the right qualities and attributes. Always look for a pest control company that can boast years of experience, is licensed and qualified and one that has a solid reputation. The pest control company should be willing to offer you references from current clients who they service.
"Professional pest control companies don't always fix the problem"
Professional pest control companies offer a guarantee on their work and they do so because they trust in their methods. They also offer follow-up services that assist with keeping the pests at bay which means they offer a type of maintenance plan.
"All pest controllers simply spray chemicals"
Professional pest control is more about integrated pest management than simply fumigating the environment. This means that pest controllers will advise on how to make your environment less attractive to pests – such as moving all sources of food and water that pests need to live on.
"If you find a rat then your premises is dirty"
Even the cleanest homes, offices and the like can suffer a rodent infestation. Essentially if rodents can access the building they will do so and they will make their home inside. They feed on pet food, grain, seeds and vegetables as well as garbage – which means that your home or a property (such as a restaurant or canteen) will make a nice nesting area for rodents.
"Termites are simply white - ants"
While termites are called ‘white ants’, that isn’t a biologically accurate term for them as they are more closely related to cockroaches.
"Professional pest control services are for the wealthy"
Many people think that pest control is limited to those with the funds to fork-out a lot of money and the average business or household can make-do with do it yourself methods. This is truly a misconstrued idea as an infestation and pest problem in your home or office environment can cause far more damage than you are willing to pay for. Do it yourself methods bought from supermarkets, are not the most cost-effective solution as they are often ineffective or only effective for a short while. This means that you are always trying out a new product in the hope of it working well. Furthermore, pests can damage your premises terribly which can result you having to refurbish or replace fixtures and fittings.
What to look for in a Professional Pest Control Provider
There are hundreds of pest control service providers in and around South Africa. Choosing the right provider who will attend to your specific needs is not always easy. It is advisable to do your homework before settling on the professional pest control provider that you choose to sign a contract with. Consider the following before making any steadfast decisions:
Does the company have a good reputation?
It is worthwhile browsing through customer forums and searching for complaints or compliments from people who have used the company’s pest control services previously. You can also ask the company itself for references from their clients. It’s advisable to ask them for references from current clients as this will give you a real-time indication of how well the company is performing. It is also worth your time to consider if the pest control service provider has experience with your type of industry and business.
Does the company specialize in the type of pest control you need?
Some companies need overall pest control but others may need a specific type of pest control. For instance, if you have a bird problem, you must make sure that the company is specialized in the field of bird proofing as this particular pest control process is very technical and the correct equipment must be used at all times. Even a common pest such as termites, need specific treatment in order for the infestation to be effectively eradicated. Termite nests need to be identified and treated as well as the termites that are spotted crawling around the property – many times it is only the termites that are noticed that are eliminated and not the nests. The latter is however the root of the problem.
Is the employees trained correctly and can they boast the necessary certifications and licences?
The Pest Control industry is regulated by Dept. of Agriculture under Act 36/1947. According to this Act, all pest control operators must be registered with Dept. of Agriculture (and the PCSIB = PEST CONTROL INDUSTRIES BOARD), enabling them to receive their PCO certificate with their unique “P-number”.All pest control operators by law must have such a certificate.
Have the company implemented a HACCP system, does this pest control provider offer services that underpin the program?
HACCP is a system that identifies any potential hazards in the food production process. By contracting a professional pest control service, you are able to better control major food risks and remain compliant with legislation. Choosing a pest control provider who can assure you that they perform all the necessary pest control measures to underpin the HACCP system is ideal and assists to create a hassle-free risk management system.
Preventative measures that business can take.
While it is vital to contract a professional pest control service provider for your business, it is advisable to have preventative measures in place to ward off an infestation. Even if you have an excellent pest controller maintaining your premises, implement the following measures to support their schedule:
• Maintain a stringent cleaning schedule to prevent possible infestations;
• Dispose of all organic waste correctly and seal your containers;
• Fix leaking taps and pipes as pests are attracted to both food and water;
• Ensure that your sanitation systems are in proper working order as inadequate sanitation encourages infestations;
• Educate your staff about sanitation and hygiene best practices;
• Ensure that all in-house cleaning staff adhere to a daily or weekly cleaning schedule;
• If you have a kitchen on your premises, make sure that all the kitchen staff are educated about the proper disposal of waste;
• Make sure that the outside rubbish bins are not close to any of the entrances to your property and make sure they are tightly sealed and regularly sanitized;
• Equip all the cleaning staff with the necessary cleaning equipment to perform their jobs correctly.
• Ensure that all necessary exclusion measures have been taken, to prevent pests
How the specialist can help you.
The Specialists have an extensive 24 years’ experience in the field of pest control making us a go-to professional pest control service provider.
We offer a comprehensive range of pest control services that result in an efficient and effective bouquet of treatments. Our services can address any infestation large or small and we have experience in a number of different industries and business types. We currently are contracted to various entities in both the public and private sector. These include government departments, hospitals, industrial and manufacturing plants and commercial properties.
We offer an extensive range of professional pest control services.
If you have an infestation or simply want to prevent one from occurring we have a pest control solution for you. With 37 years’ experience in this field we have sought out only the very best techniques and methodologies which will assure you of a successful cure or prevention.
We're industry accredited - which means that you are guaranteed superior service.
As members of SAPCA (SA Pest Control Association), Pest Control Specialists adhere to the high standards set for the industry, providing customers with peace of mind that they will enjoy a “gold standard service”.
We're known for professional, personalized service.
We pay close attention to the details of each client and tailor-make solutions that will address the unique needs of each of our clientele. Our focus is on the ethos that emphasis the importance of addressing all our client’s needs effectively. In this way we can ensure that our work is of a superb quality and our clients remain safe within their work environments.
We know how important health and safety is in the workplace.
Pest control is of vital importance, without it your company is bound to suffer an ill workforce which results in downtime, lack of productivity and ultimately, the loss of revenue. The Specialists understand the importance behind keeping your work environment clean, hygienic and pest-free. Therefore, we can offer a superb service that not only creates a safe environment but that also assists you in remaining compliant with all health and safety measures and legislation's in your industry.
Our references
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