Asbestos Removal
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Asbestos facts, what you do need to know!
Frequent question we do receive.
How long do I have left to remove all asbestos roofing and cladding from my property?
The first cut of date was 2022, but less than 15% of asbestos has been removed. However an extension was granted with the new official cut of date now being in December 2022. This means that the department of labor is going from factories to to factories handing out notices to owners and managers to sign for this. In effect this means that homeowners must take note of this.
Is removal of asbestos roofing and cladding the only solution?
Not really, there is various options available. However, this option will cost more or less the same as a new roof or cladding and you will need a roof clearance certificate to be performed every two years at your own expense. If something is not up to standard, this will also have to be repaired.
You can contact us for Free assistance to get into contact with a Professional asbestos removal company. Press into this link https://bit.ly/3L5S2A4
How dangerous is asbestos really?
Asbestos is in actual fact really dangerous. It is important to understand that the hazards that exist with asbestos is the fibers. The risks associated with this is that asbestos fibers becomes airborne. When these fibers are inhaled they do not decompose and thus remain in the lungs. These fibers cause serious to fatal lung diseases.
Can my neighbor or the factory next to me sue me for having asbestos on my premises on my side?
The answer is yes! However you can only be sued for having asbestos on your side if its is defective or compromised. However a lack of maintenance will most definitely compromise the asbestos roof or asbestos cladding. However keep in mind that asbestos still needs to be removed.
Currently, there are a number lawsuits in the process regarding this matter. So case in point lets test this scenario as an example: Your home or factory premises is set alight due to electrical fault or man made i.e. arson. You now have extensive roof damage. The asbestos fibers gets blown from your premises to your neighbor, this neighbor will have the right to action a lawsuit against you or your firm and even to lay criminal charges.
The best option is to perform an inventory of the Asbestos on site. And you have a valid inventory and plan in place to remove the asbestos.
You can contact us for Free assistance to get into contact with a Professional asbestos removal company. Press into this link https://bit.ly/3L5S2A4
Shouldn’t I just sell my property before spending all this money on a new roof and cladding?
The Property Practitioners Act (PPA), which came into effect on 1 February 2022 requires property practitioners to declare any deviations and such all estate agents i.e. property practitioners know South Africa has a total ban on asbestos. On a daily basis we get calls from property practitioners that requires quotations for asbestos removals. By removing asbestos your not only adding value to your property you will most definitely get a maximum return for your property with a newly done roof that is asbestos free.
You can contact us for Free assistance to get into contact with a Professional asbestos removal company. Press into this link https://bit.ly/3L5S2A4
Maybe I should rather wait and see what will happen with the asbestos ban?
This is your own choice and will be your own decision, but this is what we think about it. We explained under the first question. Taking into account the current steel prices and steel shortage and the final cut of date for Asbestos, re-roofing and cladding will become a major rat race as supply and demand increase. The last 3 months steel prices have soared by over 25% in total. Coming December 2022, prices would increased drastically, if is has not doubled. The best time to perform asbestos is right now!
You can contact us for Free assistance to get into contact with a Professional asbestos removal company. Press into this link https://bit.ly/3L5S2A4
We want to go solar. Can we do it on our Asbestos roof?
No, there are many reasons for this answer. However I will only mention two.
1. An installer may not drill, cut or damage asbestos in any form or way.
2. You will not want to invest such a large sum and then take it all down at a later stage. Just to remove the the asbestos.
You can contact us for Free assistance to get into contact with a Professional asbestos removal company. Press into this link https://bit.ly/3L5S2A4
Why do we not just replace the Asbestos sheets with Nutec fiber cement sheets?
Nutec is a very inferior product to asbestos. Professional asbestos removal companies wll not even allow their workers to go onto a Nutec roof at all. Nutec is a very weak product and not worth the lives of any of their staff.
You can contact us for Free assistance to get into contact with a Professional asbestos removal company. Press into this link https://bit.ly/3L5S2A4
Should we replace our asbestos roof, will our home, factory or warehouse be left open over night?
No, not really. Most professional asbestos abatement companies have two teams on site. One team remove the asbestos while the other team follow from behind and installs new roofing and/or cladding system. The professional Asbestos abatement company will make the necessary arrangements before hand.
You can contact us for Free assistance to get into contact with a Professional asbestos removal company. Press into this link https://bit.ly/3L5S2A4